Sunday, August 12, 2012

Lifestyle Change Coming my way...

Day 1 of my 24 Day Challenge is in the books.  I am not looking back on the fact that if I had stuck with it and made a lifestyle change last year I would not be sitting here the same size when I started last year. 

So today was the first day of the rest of my life.  I am changing my lifestyle.  I am tired of being overweight to the point that I will do whatever it takes to not be that way anymore.  I want to lose the weight and be healthy and fit for ME.  No one else but ME.  I'm focusing on doing what is best for ME.  And while I know that sounds selfish if I don't I will be sitting here a year from now worse off than I am now. 

So for those friends that I dine with frequently, please do not be offended if I would rather eat at home for now.  I know I'm human and I will slip up.  I am prepared for that but for now this is what I need to do. 

So as my family and friends (if you are reading this), I ask you for support and prayers in this endeavor.  I feel better now than I have in years since I had my surgery and I know it is a time for a change.  If I don't do it now nothing will ever change.  Plus I am terrified of weight gain associated with menopause. 

I have faith in God and in myself that I can and will do this. 

Love to all!

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